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Expert Plumbers in Your Community

At Cornerstone Construction Services, we offer a wide range of local plumbing services in Knoxville to meet the needs of our customers. Whether you need plumbing repairs, installation, or maintenance, our team of experts is here to help. We have experience working on both residential and commercial projects, so no job is too big or small for us to handle. Our team offers new construction plumbing services, construction plumbing repair, commercial services, and more. Contact us today to learn more.

Young man fixing a leak under the bathroom sink

5 Signs You Need to Schedule Plumbing Service

If you’re dealing with a plumbing problem, we can deliver expert plumbing services in Knoxville. Contact us to schedule a plumbing service if you notice any of these five signs:

  • Gurgling Noises: You hear gurgling from your washing machine, dishwasher, or bathtub. Turn off the water immediately.
  • Low Water Pressure: You notice low water pressure from one faucet. There might be a serious problem in your system.
  • Frozen Pipes: If your water doesn’t run, you notice that a faucet or drain smells, or you see frost on visible pipes, call a plumber. When pipes freeze, they can burst.
  • Strange Smells: You notice unpleasant scents from your plumbing. This can mean that a vent or pipe is broken.
  • Water Heater Trouble: Your water heater doesn’t heat water consistently.

Tips to Prevent Frequent Plumbing Repairs

Schedule Regular Maintenance

Just like your car or household appliances, your plumbing needs regular maintenance to function properly. Book routine plumbing inspections to ensure your plumbing is in good condition.

Be Careful With Your Drains

Don't pour grease or oil down your drains. Grease and oil can cause clogs and lead to plumbing issues.

Only Flush Toilet Paper

Be careful when you flush down your toilets. Flushing items other than toilet paper, such as paper towels, can cause plumbing problems.

Plumbing FAQs

Leaks can definitely get worse over time. A small plumbing leak can turn into a much larger one if it’s not fixed quickly. This is why it’s important to call a plumbing professional at the first sign of a plumbing problem.

The cost of plumbing services in Knoxville will vary depending on the problem and the size of your home. However, our plumbing professionals will work with you to find a solution that fits your budget. We can also provide an accurate estimate, so you can gauge the cost of your plumbing repair before we begin.

Why Choose Cornerstone Construction Services in Knoxville, TN


The founder and owner of Cornerstone Construction Services, Inc. have been in the contracting business for more than 25 years.

Attention to Detail

Our plumbing contractors pay close attention to detail to ensure that your project is completed to your exact specifications.

Committed Project Managers

We have project managers involved every step of the way, from the beginning of the process to the end.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Your satisfaction is our top priority.

red roof under repair

Our Additional Services

In addition to electrical work, Cornerstone Construction Services, Inc. provides:

Call Today for Your Plumbing Estimate

Cornerstone Construction Services, Inc. is committed to providing exemplary plumbing services in Knoxville, TN. Contact our team today to learn more about our wide range of contracting services or to request an estimate for your plumbing repair service.

Contact Us for Plumbing Services Today